Comments on Design Approvals

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Submit a Ketixi
Please only link one design per comment.

**Design:** [Text](Stashlinkhere)
**Proof of Ownership:**
**Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items):**
**Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):** [Text](InventoryLinkHere)
**Please set name on upload: (Optional)** place name here, we will not assume file name is ket name. (This is the name given to the Deviant Art Import)

2023-06-19 03:07:01 (Edited 2023-07-30 02:53:47)

jynxyz Avatar

Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied:
1x Scarification kit to remove arm frills
1x Gemcrafted Shard - Colorpitch
1x Charged Fogshard Piece (Nov. 1, 2019) to add Flourishing Display (or uh. supercharged? i think charged? whatever)
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):
Please set name on upload: Daichi

2024-04-12 22:39:27 (Edited 2024-04-12 22:39:52)

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member


2024-05-27 21:58:19

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

Design: EWN
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items):
Apparel x2?
BG: Endless Field
x1 Charged Fogshard Piece Swap: Drakespines -> Long Fur (Phoenix)
x4 Charged Fogshard Piece Chrono: January 25 2020 Windstorm, Labyrinthine Lacing, flourishing display, ultraviolet
Chromatic Token
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):
Please set name on upload: (Optional) End World Normeopathy

2023-10-26 03:03:13

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

Approved! Items removed from your inventories!

2023-10-26 03:39:52

jynxyz Avatar

Design: Daichi ketucari
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied: 1x Scarification kit to remove arm frills
1x Gemcrafted Shard - Colorpitch
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items): Inventory
Please set name on upload: Daichi

2023-09-02 05:39:38

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member

Commented on the Rixixi version of the stash


2023-10-26 03:37:39

hawkweed Avatar

Design: Ketucari stash
Proof of Ownership: Comment
Items Being Applied:
At least:
x1 Mutation Station - Stylized frills
x2/3 Scarification Kits - Removed back frill
(Use as many mutation stations/scarification kits as appropriate!)
Your Site Inventory Links: Chasmhome
Please set name on upload: Harley

2023-09-01 01:39:51 (Edited 2023-09-01 01:40:02)

bunnikenns Avatar

Design: Yusaku
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied: None!

Please set name on upload to Yusaku

NOTE: See comment section on this link for design notes.

2023-09-01 01:33:30

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

Design: It Won't Fade
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items):
Charged Fogshard Chrono (x6) Nov 1 2022:
Charged Fogshard Swap (x5)

+Dragon body -> Vestigial Wings
+Dragon body -> Drakescales
+Dragon body
+Bird Limbs -> Whip Tail
+Eroded -> Shimmer
+Eroded -> Eyespots

BG: Fog in Quarantine

+Scarification Kit
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items): Inventory
Please set name on upload: (Optional) It Won't Fade

2023-08-29 02:55:51 (Edited 2023-08-29 04:11:17)

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

Design: Hurry Up Ravens
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items): N/A
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items): N/A
Please set name on upload: (Optional) Hurry Up Ravens

2023-08-29 02:11:07

bunnikenns Avatar

Design: Laszlo
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied:
x1 Gemcrafted Shard - Colorpitch

Site Inventory Link: inventory
Please set name on upload to Laszlo

NOTE: See comment section on this link for design notes.

2023-08-26 04:45:26

hawkweed Avatar

Design: June
Proof of ownership:
Items Used:
Items used are all from Rixixi. They're in my inventory here.

- x1 Nov 1, 2019 Supercharged Fogshard - Chrono: +Deep Sea
- x1 Scarification Kit - Chest wound
- x1 Accessory - Glasses
- If necessary, use of mutation stations to alter the frills, as many as needed.

2023-08-24 11:18:21 (Edited 2023-08-24 11:19:00)

bunnikenns Avatar

Design: YO!-YO!-YO!
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied:
x4 Scarification Kits: Full frill removal, top surgery scars
x1 Mutation Station: Hair, facial expression modifications
x2 Cosmetics: Hair dye
x1 Wax Paper Background Canvas: Darkening of BG, graffiti aura

Adding markings via Fogshards:
x1 Charged - Chrono (May 15, 2018): Cloak (nClk)
x1 Charged - Chrono (November 1, 2019): Accents (nAc)

Site Inventory Link: Inventory
Please set name on upload to YO!-YO!-YO!

NOTE: See comment section on this link for design notes and feel free to ask for clarifying images! I know some marking interactions here are a bit... wacky. :')

2023-08-24 05:13:01