KT-1944: Canary

Owned by JACKS0NN@dA
  • Gift art is not allowed
  • Gift writing is not allowed
  • Not up for trades
Name: Canary
Nicknames: N/A
ID: KT-1944
Ownership: JACKS0NN@dA
(View Ownership History)

Character: Canary is a bright and lively one who lives near seas and rivers and always stays moving, always wanting to see more that's beyond the horizon. A very wild figure when she gets the spring in her step. She is drawn to the breeze and is herself as carefree as one. She is a well-welcomed guest on pirate ships and to sail along crews for her tentativeness to nurture as a medic on the seas. Though she will not stay for long.
Pack: N/A

Attunement: N/A

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 50/50
Strength: 0/500
Dexterity: 0/500
Cunning: 0/200
Perception: 0/200
Intellect: 0/200
Willpower: 0/200
Luck: 0/200

Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Genotype: EE/Ss/KK/nHp/nMtl/nSg/nTpt/Ww
Phenotype: Brown with hued points, mottling, segment, tar pit
Build: Standard

Breedable? No
Lifetime Breedings: 0/0
Nobility: 0

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: KT-1078: Heirr
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-1551: Torvo
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: KT-1084: Lu
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: ST-018: Shachath
----------------- DS: [DECEASED] KT-034: Lich
------------------------------------------ DSD: ST-001: Kaur
Dam: KT-823: Nasha
------------------------------------------ DDS: KT-296: Speck
----------------- DD: KT-591: Gestirn
------------------------------------------ DDD: KT-055: Redemption

Designed By: JACKS0NN@dA
Art By: N/A

Technical Details

15 July 2020, 18:18:28 UTC

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
No additional notes given.